Matty Simmons

Matty Simons was a TV and film producer, an Executive Vice President of Diner’s Club  (the first credit card company), and a newspaper reporter for New York World-Telegram and Sun. The producer gained recognition after he served as the CEO of Twenty-First Century Communications. Matty is a native of Brooklyn, and apart from his work as a producer, he owned and ran many businesses. Along with his partner, they founded National Lampoon and Weight Watchers magazines. The magazine has now expanded into theater, film, radio, and records. Matty’s kids are among the editorial staff of the business.

Another job that Matty enjoyed was that of an author. He had written seven books, and St. Martin’s Press published the last one in 2012 — Fat, Drunk, and Stupid: The Making of Animal House. Matty lost his battle but his legacy will remain and be passed on for generations.
