

An ocularist has the kind of occupation that you don’t hear about every day. But it is an important job, especially for those who sustained grave injuries that resulted in the loss of their vision. Ocularists work to make a positive difference in the lives of people who have lost one or both eyes due to injury, disease or accident.  Yes, we are talking about the real organ itself. They are people who fit artificial eye(s) in their clients, who are often referred to as ocular prostheses.


In simpler terms, ocularists are technicians that gear up, and pretty much maintain, a particular device that would act as their patient’s eye. Though these devices can’t restore someone else’s vision, they provide a more aesthetically pleasing look that, to some degree, can help boost their client’s self-confidence. If you are interested in becoming one, you’ll have to first finish a series of apprenticeships that can last for about five years.
